$50 이상 구매 시 전세계 무료 배송
Petego EB 자동차 앞 좌석 프로텍터

Neoprene covering and an undercarriage layer allow you to protect your seat from any car seat that you must install for your children. You might not realize it, but the car seat that you have put in your vehicle will leave an indentation in the fabric or leather. This seat protector helps solve that problem with simple technology.
The seat protector was made very large so that it could fit in SUVs, and it allows you to lay something down that will protect this massive investment that you have made. You could use this mat with seats that slip often, and the non-skid mesh not he bottom will help you when you need to hit your brakes hard.
제품 특징
Anchors that work on all car seats
Rubberized mesh sits not he bottom so that there is no skidding
Neoprene belts keep everything in plac
Inserts tuck into place easily
The entire unit is water resistant
It measures 28"Wx48"H

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$ 12.35 할인
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