$50 이상 구매 시 전세계 무료 배송
어드밴티지 멀티 애드보킷 (Advantage Multi Advocate) 4kg 이하 고양이용 - 12개입

Advantage Multi for cats는 각종 기생충, 심장사상충, 위장관련 기생충, 벼룩 감염 및 귀진드기와 폐선충을 예방해줍니다.

유통기한: 11/2026
어드밴티지 멀티 (Advantage Multi)를 사용하시면 다음과 같은 기생충으로부터 고양이를 보호할 수 있습니다.
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  • 심장사상충 - 예방기능만 있음
  • 폐선충 치료 및 예방
  • 위장관련 기생충
이 약품은 강력한 국소제로 한 달에 한 번만 도포해주시면 됩니다. 자칫하면 생명을 위협할 수 있는 기생충들을 강력하게 박멸하는 효과가 입증된 제품입니다.

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질문과 답변 (7)
Is this medicine applied monthly or yearly?
There are 12 tubes in this product. Each tube should be applied monthly for total protection.
We ordered advocate multi and recieved it But it is differant pakage when we got before . Is it advocate multi or just advicate ? We could'nt find multi on the package .
It is Advocate. This is exactly the same product as Advantage Multi. Bayer markets this product as Advocate in Europe and Advantage Multi in the US.
My kitten is small. Her weight is 1.3 kg. But I think when I get Advocate she will be around 2kg. can I use it for her? If I can't use it for her Can you recommend something else?
Advocate / Advantage Multi can be used on cats from 9 weeks of age and over 1kg in weight. So you can use it safely on your kitten.
I can see Advantage Purple and Green products. And there are Advantage Multi and just Advantage. What are they?
Advantage green is for small dogs and cats, while Advantage Purple is for cats over 4kg. Advantage treat fleas only while Advantage Multi treats other parasites. Both Advantage and Advantage Multi are from Bayer.
Is there a chewable tablet for cats that can be given with this? The reason I am asking is because the option is there for dogs so was hoping the option would be there for cats too.
Different products has different ingredients, therefore they can be used together. However you should get advised from your vet before using any medication.
상품 리뷰 (3)
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Denise Ede
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Tracey Reaume
위대한 벼룩 약. 집에 벼룩이 없어.
Francis Davis
아주 좋아 ~ 그것을 좋아해.
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$ 33.80 할인
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